Thursday, April 04, 2013

The Scale of the Universe.

We interupt this broadcast of insults, flamewars and name calling to post an important link of nerdly goodness. You may have seen this view of the universe, but this one is new and improved and otherwise awesome. See the scale and hugeness of the universe here.


  1. One of my all-time favorite links. I love visiting that site from time to time.

    Relevant to our last few topics, it reinforces just how small this stuff is and how little it matters to the universe.

    But still, while we're here, tucked away in our insignificant corner of a galaxy that's one of a few hundred billion, why wouldn't we want to cooperate and make life...nicer?

  2. Because we are self-centered bastards.

    That being said, that is a really cool site.

  3. Because we are self-centered bastards

    Praise be to Allah we are indeed selfish bastards.

    Every astronaut that has ever been in orbit or to the moon has some gradiose quote about the breaking-down of false barriers when you see the Earth from afar. I have yet to to see an astronaut say something like "this experience makes me believe even more strongly in the power of political boundaries and I for one welcome a more bellicose attitude." There must really be something to it. I wish we could all see it for real instead of in images.

    Oh, wait...

  4. Most religions talk about breaking down barriers. Maybe stepping outside of what we know is what it takes to make that happen.

  5. Most religions talk about breaking down barriers.

    But do everything in their power in maintain their own superiority and insistence on inferiority of any other belief system.

    Maybe stepping outside of what we know is what it takes to make that happen.

    Exactly right. Step outside of superstition and competition and see the Earth as it ought to be. Which, IMO, is this.

  6. Yes, but my point was that there have been efforts for thousands of years to see things from a broader perspective, but people seem to have a difficult time looking outside of boarders, race, and various other "tribes."

  7. but people seem to have a difficult time looking outside of boarders, race, and various other "tribes."

    We agree! I've noticed that the 2.3-billion-strong tribe called Christianity has such difficulty, as does the 1.5-billion-strong Muslim tribe. The 970 million Hindus *might* have such a problem. However, the 475 million Buddhists seems to be pretty open-minded about seeing things from broad perspectives.

    The roughly 80 million gun owners in the US, clearly a tribe of sorts, seem a mixed bag on "broader perspective." (#Streakbait)

    (Just kidding Streak; we love you. If you *don't* get some shit at our keg party, you're in trouble)

  8. As have the proponents of the major "isms" of the last century. You know, the ones that have killed millions. I fail to see how this is just the problem of 3 religious groups. This is a problem of humanity.

  9. Steve has a point. Religion is often the tool to get people to perpetuate an atrocity or the cover to allow an “ism” to continue.

    The religion is not often the actual initiator of it.

    I think this is why many religious people shy away from organized religion. They don’t like what the mortal at the front of the church is doing with their religion.

  10. I fail to see how this is just the problem of 3 religious groups

    I agree, and perhaps have been unnecessarily targeted in my criticism. Your point is well-taken, and I amend my critiques.

  11. Bob, you are right, and if I have given the impression that religions deserve a pass, that was not my intent. As you say, religions have been used to excuse or do all sorts of shitty things.
