EZ-Belief, Take 2
Monday, January 23, 2012
In the post below this one I provided a fun little flow chart to help find what religion you should be. Ha! Enjoyment! Snark!
But then I read this article and wonder how Santorum fits on that flowchart. Based on his comments and sentiment, I think we need to add a new string to it.
E-Z Belief
I found this flowchart below quite helpful.
I am vastly interested to know everyone's answer to "are you a naturally annoying person" even if it doesn't fit as a question in your particular part of this matrix. Read more...
Playing with Fire?
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Some time ago, I predicted an Obama landslide if Newt Gingrich were to be picked as the Republican nominee. Is it just my bias playing games with me? Would Gingrich be more formidable than I predict?
Today is the S. Carolina primary. If FiveThirtyEight is correct, it seems Gingrich's embrace of the southern strategy is propelling him to victory there.
Am I crazy to hope for a Gingrich primary victory or am I playing with fire?
SOPA/PIPA - Take 2
Thursday, January 19, 2012
All that silly shit we and the other internets did yesterday?
It's working.
Keep it up.
New Cold Activation System
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
In the wake of "cold indicators/activation systems" from Coors and Miller, which thankfully let us know whether or not our beers are cold enough, craft brewers like Breckenridge Brewery have had to follow suit to remain competitive among people who are challenged as to the coldness of their beer.
Behold: the craft beer industry's new cold activation system!
Iowa Caucus Prediction
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Very non-scientific prediction:
Iowa Caucus:
1) Ron Paul
2) Mitt Romney
3) Rick Santorum
4) Newters Gingrich