Bob's Best: The five things I am most thankful for this holiday

Friday, November 28, 2008

Wives that put up with us
Let’s face it, most guys marry “up”. With all of our scratching, farting, burping and other mannerisms that show we have no manners at all, we are lucky to get a date, let a lone avoid a divorce.

The Big-three automakers…
…and the 4 million workers and retirees that they employ. Along with all the dependable cars my family has purchased from them over my lifetime.

A job and health care
9.3% of us in Michigan are looking for a paying gig. I will not complain about mine. Thank goodness mine even provides healthcare.

Michigan beer
According to the Michigan Beer Guide there are at least 88 Michigan breweries. You could likely drink nothing but Michigan beer all year round and never drink the same beer twice.

Family and friends
No explanation needed.

What are you thankful for this holiday season?


Noah 9:12 PM  

What am I thankful for? The stuff listed below your post.

5 more things?

A brilliant, well-behaved 3 year old
He's smarter than me, most likely, and doesn't fall for the pull-the-wool-over-the-eyes kid tricks.

My job
It's hilarious, even when it's frustrating. And it includes benies. And...I have one.

My house and neighborhood
We love our cozy house. Our neighbors are unparalleled. One of them even mowed our lawn every week all summer while we were adjusting to life with 3 mids 3 and under, and never asked for a thing.

My local beer mecca
They were only supposed to get 1 case of ounders Breakfast Stout. They got 8 cases of it, 10 of the BAckwoods Bastard and 5 or 6 of the new Harvest Ale. Let's just say my beer fridge is stocked.

Yadda yadda. And I don't even take them for granted! Usually...

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