Yes He Did.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

We were there.


Mike 8:51 AM  


Cloudy morning in NYC, but feels sunny nonetheless.

Noah 9:38 AM  

It's a new day.

B Mac 9:55 AM  

One quick anecdote from the polls yesterday.

It was 1:30 or so in the afternoon, and I'd been outside the polls for 8 hours. I was tired, and had sorta lost motivation.

Then a car pulled up, and out stepped an old black man. He was probably in his 80's, and was dressed in his Sunday best. He didn't move too well, and was clearly not in the best health.

I asked him if he was here to vote. He straightened up, and said, "yes son, yes I am". And a look crossed his face that I cannot describe. I mix of pride and nostalgia; the kind of look that only a man who's seen some serious shit can give.

Not sure who got more out of that exchange. But lord that was a cool moment.

Bob 10:12 AM  

"I asked him if he was here to vote. He straightened up, and said, "yes son, yes I am". And a look crossed his face that I cannot describe."

Dammit B Mac, I am trying to get through this day without getting all emotional and stuff.

Sopor 10:15 AM  

B Mac, that's right there with Ann Nixon Cooper! What these folks have seen, endured, and overcame is INCREDIBLE!

It's a great feeling to have been alive and part of a historic event like this. Nowhere near CLOSE to the historic events that your old gentleman and Ann Nixon Cooper saw, but a powerful moment nonetheless.

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