Bob's Best: My five favorite images from this election.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

As published in the New York Times, this image was taken at the Democratic National Convention:

Another NY Times photo taken during the primaries:

The picture below makes me wonder what this man might have been thinking or feeling to be brought to tears and inspiration by Obama. Is it pride in country? Was he denied a job because of his color? Is he another person holding out hope that the future will be better for his children?

A rain-soaked rally:

My little Obamamaniac. She can read two words: her name and "Obama."


Noah 10:22 AM  

Great pix. I know it...I'm trying not to get all emotional about it. My parents were quite emotional. They were part of the, shall we say, 60s counterculture movement. They did the march on WAshington, they have been tear-gassed over civil rights...and now, 40 years later, Obama wins. They never thought it would happen so fast, and they were thrilled.

Bob 10:31 AM  

Last night I was at the Oakland County Democratic Party election night event. I expected to see a lot of teary-eyed people. I was just taken aback by the wide variety of ages and ethnicities of the people who came to tears after Obama was declared the victor. I have never been hugged by some many strangers, including some people of Smitty's parents generation.

Anonymous,  1:21 PM  

I was in Macomb at their event for the Dem Party. Same thing - hardly a dry eye in the place, all ages, all ethnicities. It's a different kind of excitement... a different feeling we aren't use to... HOPE.

Rickey 8:45 AM  

Rickey's parents were in that 60s generation too, did the march on Washington and the student protests, and they were pretty damned choked up when Rickey spoke with them after Obama's speech. We all should be. Rickey's mentality has changed over the past two days from "it's about fucking time" to "I can't believe it's finally happened."

Just imagine how many newcomers will get interested about politics because of this.

Oh, and since Bob is black (something Rickey didn't previously know) does that mean that he'll be taking control of ATK now?

Bob 10:13 AM  

"Oh, and since Bob is black (something Rickey didn't previously know) does that mean that he'll be taking control of ATK now?"

That is extremely funny. I guess I should have expected it, but didn’t.

While I am a Scotch/German American mutt, my daughter, who we adopted, is indeed of African American ancestry.

We were going to put my daughter in charge of ATK, but decided that due to the beer-related content, we should have an over 21 rule. She will be in charge of ATK in 18.5 years. At that point we will be on blogger version 41 in 3-D holographic mode.

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