Thursday, December 27, 2012
Considering the recent debates on gun laws and school safety in the United States, I looked up a few figures to aid us in our debates. Feel free to use or abuse them as we move forward.
Some of the data may surprise you. For example, I expected accidental deaths to be a higher percentage of the totals among death of children due to firearms.
Number of Schools in the United States (2009-10 School Year)
Kids, Ages 1 to 14:
Homicide: 208
Suicide: 81
Accidental Death: 62
Totals:* 369
Kids, Ages 15 to 19:
Homicide: 1,554
Suicide: 668
Accidental Death: 72
Totals:* 2,315
The information above and additional data is available at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The data above came from a report compiling statistics on gun-related deaths from 1999 to 2010.
As you can see in the charts at the CDC link above, the rate of death by firearms relative to the population has overall been flat in the U.S., with the possible expception of the rates of death among teens (ages 15 to 19), which seems to have been dropping over the time period.
* Why the totals do not add up exactly, is not clear. Read more...